AI powered automatons look ready for the workplace

Research by MIT has improved the physical coordination of robots, prompting the question: how could this new breed of robots make a significant contribution to the workplace?

Does Zoom office mandate spell doom for remote working?

Oh, the irony. Despite being one of the biggest beneficiaries from the move to remote working during the pandemic, tech company Zoom is now mandating its staff back into the office

Meanwhile workspaces: an emerging solution for the modern city?

How do you meet a desire for local, accessible workspaces? Underutilised land in cities might provide the answer, with meanwhile offices popping up all over London

Metaverse into reverse: the new technology taking a tumble

Attempts to drum up excitement for the metaverse risk falling flat – even with Apple’s new product launch. When will the workforce show interest in the tool touted as the future of the workplace?

Equality and diversity initiatives failing LGBT+ employees

New research suggests that companies are not working hard enough to make the workplace an accepting and supportive environment for LGBT+ staff

How economic instability is driving change in Nordic workplace

A new survey from Swedish facilities firm Coor suggests that economic conditions in the Nordic region have influenced a range of decisions from reducing energy use to returning to the office

Future life-science workplace under scrutiny over sustainability

A report by JLL examines the pathway for life-science company offices to reach net zero, setting out the roles and responsibilities of developers and landlords as well as occupiers to achieve this goal

The Frank Lloyd Wright office towers that never were

Brilliant new renderings of unbuilt Frank Lloyd Wright office towers show how advanced his vision was and set the bar for today’s architects of tall buildings to match