
Culture playbook: people-centred practices driving an office return

As the pendulum swings back to in-office working, what are the people-centred policies and incentives that are achieving success? A new report from MRI sets out some key strategies

Making hybrid happen: six principles for technology integration

Many companies have adopted new technologies to support hybrid collaboration without alignment to strategic intent. ET Group proposes six principles to support a more integrated approach

Why a rigid return to the office will drive high performers away

More companies are enforcing rather than encouraging a return to the office. That’s a bad idea, according to new Gartner research, because it will drain organisations of their top talent

The ‘hybrid rainbow’: how to orient your company strategy for action

Social and cultural barriers to hybrid collaboration can be more tricky to navigate than technical ones, which is why companies should go through a process of orientation to find the best route forward

Is the time now right for a ‘structured hybrid’ approach?

As organisations struggle with lost collaboration after the pandemic, a University of Toronto research study is seeking participating companies to explore the potential of a new model

The barriers to hybrid collaboration that sit beneath the surface

To find out why companies are struggling with hybrid collaboration, ET Group teamed up with WORKTECH Academy to run a workshop on common challenges. The results shine a light on social and cultural challenges

Lines from Lagos: how the Nigerian workspace market in expanding

Adewunmi Adegbola produced the Nigerian Pavilion at the 2023 London Design Biennale. In this interview she discusses the design approach of her practice Siriano as the Lagos market develops

Why neither space nor tech can really solve hybrid meetings

As companies struggle to provide digital equality in the hybrid work era, are we looking at the challenge from the wrong angle? Canada’s ET Group believes the answer lies with underlying organisational culture and behaviours