Japanese study quantifies benefits of having a high-quality office

A better-designed workplace not only supports work efficiency and worker health but also drives a company’s economic performance, according to novel research carried out in Tokyo

Future thinking shapes Seattle conference

How can we shift our mindset towards building a more positive and equitable future? This was the question that was at the forefront of everyone’s mind at WORKTECH Seattle 2023

How the hybrid model impacts connections between work and health

Hybrid working offers more choice to employees but is complex to manage. The second in an article series with Adrianse looks at the challenge of creating a more holistic connection between health and work

The big question: are we ready for experience real estate?

The latest episode in Steelcase’s Work Better podcast series discusses the new experiences that have the potential to transform our perception of the workplace – if companies are prepared to change

The key steps Ingka is taking to boost workplace experience

In the second of a three-part series on designing a magnetic workplace experience, we talk to Momcilo Pavlovic of IKEA. What does the future of work look like for this global home furnishing brand?

Are outdoor offices the future? The Nordics lead the way

Working outdoors would be considered a novelty for most of us, but research from Scandinavia suggests that more effort should be put into making it the norm

The barriers to hybrid collaboration that sit beneath the surface

To find out why companies are struggling with hybrid collaboration, ET Group teamed up with WORKTECH Academy to run a workshop on common challenges. The results shine a light on social and cultural challenges

Six essential building blocks for a better workplace experience

What create a memorable event with universal appeal? In the first of a three-part series on designing a better workplace experience, we report on the findings of a special creative workshop