A city from scratch: unravelling the debate surrounding California’s newest urban venture

A new initiative aiming to create a brand-new city in Solano County, California promises affordable housing, an influx of jobs, and a commitment to sustainability measures, but faces several challenges before it gets the go-ahead

Change playbook: discover 20 different ways to transform your office

A major push globally to redesign office space for the new workplace era is leading to some smart and innovative design interventions, says a new report from technology company MRI

Reach for the sky: trend for supertalls shows no sign of shrinking

In recent months, the number of tall office and mixed-use building projects has rocketed skywards. But despite their popularity, skyscrapers also have their critics

Indoor air quality: experts call for standards to be enforced

Top scientists have published a research paper that proposes mandatory standards to control key indoor pollutants in public buildings and better systems for clean air

Why a rigid return to the office will drive high performers away

More companies are enforcing rather than encouraging a return to the office. That’s a bad idea, according to new Gartner research, because it will drain organisations of their top talent

New social performance phase launched for Fitwel certification scheme

Healthy building certification platform Fitwel has launched phase two of its assessment solution that quantifies social performance of buildings

Workplace webinar: how companies are transforming their offices

A new report from MRI Software, which explores innovative ways to adapt your workspace in the new landscape of work, will be discussed in an upcoming webinar

Worker wellbeing impacted by exposure to AI, robotics and wearables

New UK research paper highlights the negative impact of certain types of automation technology on quality of life for employees and asks the question: what does ‘good’ automation look like?