
El color, más que una opción estética

Los ojos son los órganos que detectan las ondas de luz y envían las señales al cerebro para ser procesadas como imágenes visuals

Claves para optimizar el comportamiento ambiental de los materiales

Los edificios son responsables del 36 per cent del consumo de la energía, el 38 per cent de las emisiones de carbono y el 50 per cent de la utilización de los recursos en todo el planeta

Question of focus: how can office design address new priorities?

What’s holding people back from returning to the office? New U.S data tracked by global design firm Gensler explores how employee priorities are changing in favour of supporting individual work

Six rules for productivity from a polarising titan of business

In this report, we look at practical tips on performance from Elon Musk, one of the most controversial leaders of our age – and at the spectacular refurbishment of James Dyson’s Singapore HQ

Arc Task Systems

Tracing the Arc of mobile furniture to bring back the human touch

In the search for workspace efficiency, have we gone too far in removing personal control and a sense of belonging? Flexible new furniture developed by Task Systems seeks to redress the balance

The choice of curves or straight lines is matter of science, not taste

New scientific research explains why curved lines might be more appropriate in some office environments while angular and rectilinear forms might work better in other situations

Wellbeing influences how we feel about our environment

Why perception of noise and objective recording can be at odds

New scientific research suggests that the state of employee wellbeing can make levels of noise, dust or glare seems worse than they really are – this is just one of several new studies throwing fresh light on the changing workplace

Why wellbeing is not just a buzzword

Wellbeing is a word that is well established in workplace vocabulary, but few organisations really know what it means in relation to its workforce. Jon Odey sheds some light on the subject