design thinking

Day in the Life 2040: navigating the future of work

Imagine taking a crystal ball and describing what a typical day in the life might look like 20 years from now. Simon Elliot sets out some optimistic possibilities…

Michael Grosam

Adidas Arena: why digital is the new game out of town

Adidas has raised expectations of the out-of-town campus through a process of digital transformation for its Munich headquarters, as Michael Grosam of Combine Consulting explains


¿Puede un edificio hecho de materia inerte hacernos sentir angustiados o felices, aburridos o estimulados, comprometidos o indiferentes?


La odisea del espacio

El espacio en el que trabajamos no es neutro; ejerce una influencia significativa sobre la forma en la que nos sentimos y realizamos nuestras actividades

creativity innovation

En busca de la creatividad y la innovación

Ya lo dijo Albert Einstein: no podemos pretender que algo cambie si hacemos siempre lo mismo

Participatory design helps engagement

Well by design: stop treating people like cogs in a machine

In the debate about better wellbeing solving the productivity crisis, could greater employee participation in workplace design be an answer? A new study suggests it can

What Amazon’s workplace wish list tells us about the future city

As Amazon draws closer to a decision about a new location for its second headquarters in North America, its public declaration of demands has prompted questions about what the future city requires to attract forward-thinking enterprises

10 principles of human-centred technology

Behar’s blueprint: ten principles of design for the age of AI

Do we need new design principles for the era of artificial intelligence, robotics and smart environments? Leading industrial designer Yves Behar believes we do