culture change

Cara y ceca de la gamificación

Con el desarrollo de la tecnología y la llegada de las nuevas generaciones al mundo del trabajo muchas cosas cambiaron en las empresas.

La oficina resiliente

En un mundo donde la única constante es el cambio, la capacidad de las empresas para responder rápida y eficazmente a fuerzas o eventos imprevisibles ya no parece ser opcional: es una necesidad básica. Y para lograrlo, las organizaciones no solo deben ser ágiles sino también altamente resilientes.

Cartoons help erase gender-bias

Gender bias: how children’s cartoons can break the work barriers

Whether it is a children’s cartoon or an inspirational individual, Condeco looks at how perceptions are changing on gender-specific roles in the workforce

evolution of work behaviours

The evolution of workplace behaviours, attitudes and technology

Condeco outlines a decade-by-decade timeline of the evolution of the workplace to understand how attitudes and behaviours have progressed and technology has emerged over the years

the biggest barrier to workplace wellbeing is ourselves

Fit for purpose: making ‘strange’ the new norm

How do we create a culture of wellbeing when the biggest barrier is our own behaviour? Lendlease’s Natalie Slessor looks at creating the right space to shake off our inhibitions about healthier working

Creating a culture of diversity

Designing for diversity: breeding a culture of inclusion

A culture of diversity and inclusivity not only needs to be represented in the workforce, but also in workplace design. Alison Webb, Lendlease’s head of workplace in Europe talks about elements of inclusivity in workplace design and its new development in East London

The evolution of work in Britain

Abolition of want? How work has become precarious in post-war Britain

On the 75th anniversary of the Beveridge social welfare report, employee relations experts from the London School of Economics reflect on how the nature of work has evolved in post-war Britain

What do millennials really want?

What do millennials really want?

Is the global perception of millennials’ sense of entitlement fair? Condeco challenges this view and looks at how organisations can play to millennial strengths