flexible working


Talking points: five tips to improve the meeting experience

From empowering employees to say no to meetings to streamlining the right technology tools, a new report from Condeco outlines five key guidelines to make meetings better

Presenteeism strikes again: the rise of flexible working in the workplace

As the rise of flexible working promises both employee and business benefits, what position will the physical workplace hold? And how will business leaders respond to change?  A new report explores the issues

How new ways of working are changing the real estate game

Rising employee expectations, emerging technologies and new ways of working are challenging traditional real estate models. A new report looks closely at getting the balance right between employee satisfaction and real estate costs

Come together: three steps to achievable collaboration in the office

How can collaboration shift from aspirational to achievable for organisations? A new modern workplace report from Condeco sets out the steps needed

La oficina no territorial

Nuevos estilos de trabajo y los avances tecnológicos han impulsado el desarrollo y la adopción de espacios que se adapten a los nuevos paradigmas.

Alternative workplace strategies

Alternative workplace strategies: now it’s all about the people

As workplace priorities change, so does organisational strategy. A new report by Haworth, Advanced Workplace Associates, and Global Workplace Analytics reflects on how alternative workplace strategies have evolved over the past decade

Creativity and imagination create a new Willy Wonker way of working

The Future of Work – a world of pure imagination?

The world of work is rapidly changing, and digital domination means a shift in the type of work we do and how we do it. Leeson Medhurst of 360 Workplace discusses the transition to a ‘Willy Wonka’ principle of working

WORKTECH regresó a Latinoamérica para quedarse

Expandiendo sus horizontes, WORKTECH - la conferencia internacional líder sobre el futuro del trabajo, la tecnología y los espacios de trabajo- desembarcó por primera vez en Perú y en Colombia siendo el tercer año que este foro se lleva a cabo en Latinoamérica y siempre con el soporte de Contract Workplaces.